Another day discussing either politics or the nuances of good pork bbq.

Another day discussing either politics, the nuances of good bbq or craft beer.


About me

The things I love most in the world are fine art, photography, politics, dogs, 80’s music and sci-fi movies. Good design is like all of those things put together and tied up with a bright red bow. As an accomplished designer, it’s my obligation to help craft compelling, yet simple brand stories that motivates us all.

That is why with close to twenty years of crafting memorable print & web marketing solutions for clients in the fields of architecture, banking, food service, healthcare, hotel management, manufacturing, public service, publishing, public utilities, retail, real estate, and software providers, my projects have been considered to be unique, beneficial and quite memorable.

Branding and desktop publishing excites me—the human, emotional aspect of it—the fact that in order to elicit an emotion, a designer must provide an emotion. There is joy in that challenge as well as in the processes of development during the lifetime of a project. Open communication with a focus on active listening along with good project management has helped to facilitate those great relationships over the years with all of my clients.
